MEI XML Elements


<abbr> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
abbr (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort. The type attribute may be used to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology. Sample values include:

  suspension     the abbreviation provides the first letter(s) of the
                 word or phrase, omitting the remainder.
  contraction    the abbreviation omits some letter(s) in the middle.
  brevigraph     the abbreviation comprises a special symbol or mark.
  superscription the abbreviation includes writing above the line.
  acronym        the abbreviation comprises the initial letters of
                 the words of a phrase.
  title          the abbreviation is for a title of address (Dr, Ms,
                 Mr, ...)
  organization   the abbreviation is for the name of an organization.
  geographic     the abbreviation is for a geographic name.

This tag is the mirror image of the <expan> tag; both allow the encoder to transcribe both an abbreviation and its expansion. In <abbr>, however, the original is transcribed as the content of the element and the expansion as an attribute value; <expan> reverses this. The choice between the two is up to the user. The <abbr> tag is not required; if appropriate, the encoder may transcribe abbreviations in the source text silently, without tagging them. If abbreviations are not transcribed directly but expanded silently, then the MEI header should so indicate. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the expansion of the abbreviation. The expan attribute gives an expansion of the abbreviation. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for supplying the expansion of the abbreviation.
  • Used by: model.editorialLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, choice, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <accessdesc> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Description of the access that may be obtained.
  • Used by: model.availabilityPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: availability
    <accid> EMPTY
    Accidental. This element provides an alternative to the acci attributes on the note element. The element should be used when specific display info, such as size or color, needs to be recorded for the accidental. The func attribute can be used to differentiate different functions, such as 'cautionary' or 'editorial'.
  • Used by: model.noteModifierLike model.notaModifierLike model.neumeModifierLike model.eventLike.mensural-cmn
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, ineume, layer, ligature, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, unclear, uneume.
    <acqsource> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Source from which access to this item may be obtained, e.g. vendor, distributor, etc.
  • Used by: model.availabilityPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: availability
    <add> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Marks an addition to the musical text. The add element contains material inserted by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. The resp attribute contains a ID reference to an element containing the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the hand of the addition. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the identification of the hand of the addition. The hand attribute signifies the hand of the agent which made the addition.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <address> addressline+
    A postal address.
  • Used by: model.addressLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, pubstmt, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <addressline> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Single line of a postal address.
  • Used by: address
  • Module: meiShared
  • Parent element: address
    <altmeiid> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The altmeiid element may contain a bibliographic identifier that does not fit within the meihead id attribute, for example because the id does not fit the definition of an XML id or because multiple identifiers are needed.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: meihead
    <anchoredtext> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Page-anchored text. The content model here is similar to paragraph without %model.textcomponent and %n.pb sub-elements. If the startid attribute is present, then the xy coordinates are relative to the xy coordinates of the referenced element. Otherwise, they are assumed to be absolute page coordinate references.
  • Used by: model.graphicprimitiveLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: dir, ending, figdesc, harm, layer, measure, ossia, pgdesc, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable, symboldef, tempo.
    <annot> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    The annot element provides a way to group participating events and/or control events, the notes that form a descending bass line or phrase marks, for example, and provide a label for or comment regarding the group. An enumerated list of event IDs may be given in the plist attribute. Alternatively, if only the start and/or end events in a group are to be marked, then use the startid and endid attributes. An editorial or analytical comment or observation, encoded elsewhere, such as in the front or back matter, in score text elements, or in an external document may be pointed to using the link.common, link.internal, or link.external attributes. Alternatively, the observation may be included directly within the annot element. The annot element, along with other elements with %att.link.external attributes, may also be used to link/synchronize elements within the MEI file to external media such as images or sound recordings. The ID of the MEI element(s) to be linked from should be encoded in the plist attribute while the link to the external media may be encoded in the href or entityref attributes or in the body of the annotation using extref or extptr elements.
  • Used by: model.annotLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, annot, bibl, caption, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, ending, expan, extref, figdesc, geogname, head, identifier, item, l, layer, measure, name, notesstmt, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgdesc, rdg, ref, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, stack, staff, stylename, supplied, syllable, td, th, title, unclear.
    <app> (rdg, rdg*)
    An app (apparatus) element contains one or more alternative encodings. The alternatives may be thought of as exclusive or as parallel. The type attribute may contain any convenient descriptive word, describing the extent of the variation (e.g. note, phrase, measure, etc.), its text-critical significance (e.g. significant, accidental, unclear), or the nature of the variation or the principles required to understand it (e.g. lectio difficilior, usus auctoris, etc.)
  • Used by: model.apparatusLike
  • Module: meiCritApp
  • Possible parent elements: ending, ineume, layer, measure, nota, note, ossia, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable, uneume.
    <appinfo> application*
    Appinfo (application information) groups information about applications which have acted upon the MEI file. This is not to be confused with applications which were used to create the MEI file. These are recorded in the projectdesc element.
  • Used by: model.encodingPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: encodingdesc
    <application> (name+, (ptr* | p*))
    Application provides information about an application which has acted upon the document.
  • Used by: appinfo
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: appinfo
    <arpeg> EMPTY
    Arpeggiation, roll (Read, p. 241-243).
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <artic> EMPTY
    Articulation. This element provides an alternative to the artic attributes on the note and chord elements. The element should be used when when specific display info, such as size or color, needs to be recorded for the articulation.
      fontfam    CDATA    #IMPLIED
      fontname    CDATA    #IMPLIED
      fontsize    CDATA    #IMPLIED
      fontstyle    ital | normal | oblique    #IMPLIED
      fontweight    bold    #IMPLIED
      id    ID    #IMPLIED
      n    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
      value    acc | stacc | ten | stacciss | marc | marc-stacc | acc-marc | loure | spicc | rip | doit | plop | fall | bend | flip | smear | dnbow | upbow | harm | snap | fingernail | damp | dampall | open | stop | dbltongue | trpltongue | heel | toe | tap | pluck | dot | stroke    #REQUIRED
  • Used by: model.noteModifierLike model.notaModifierLike model.neumeModifierLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, chord, corr, damage, del, ineume, layer, ligature, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, unclear, uneume.
    <availability> ((acqsource, (accessdesc, price?)*)*, userestrict?, sysreq?)
    Availability information/qualifications.
  • Used by: model.pubstmtPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: pubstmt
    <back> ((lb | pb)*, div+, (lb | pb)*)
    Back matter such as indexes, advertisements, etc.
  • Used by: music
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: music
    <barline> EMPTY
    The barline element may be used instead of the measure element. It has the same attributes as measure.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.mensural-cmn
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <barre> EMPTY
    An indication of fingering in a chord tablature grid. The from and to attributes should contain the id of a chordmember element.
  • Used by: chorddef
  • Module: meiHarmony
  • Parent element: chorddef
    <beam> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)+
    Beam. A container for a series of explicitly beamed events (Read, p. 80-94) which begins and ends entirely within a measure. For beams which cross the barline, use the beamspan element. Beaming may be indicated for an entire score, part or section by using the beamgroup attribute on these elements. Secondary beams may be broken explicitly using the breaksec attribute. Stem direction determines whether beams are centered between notes with alternating stems (Read, p. 88-89).
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <beamspan> EMPTY
    Alternative element for encoding beams, especially useful for beams which extend across barlines.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <beatrpt> EMPTY
    A repeated single beat (Read, p. 223-224).
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <bend> (note | rest | tuplet)*
    Bend (stretching a string to make it sound higher than normal). The bend element can also be used for scoop, plop, falloff, and doit performance effects. It should not be used for l.v. (laissez vibrer) indications. Precise performance data that differs from the logical events in a measure may be recorded within the bend element.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <bibl> (#PCDATA | edition | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb)*
    Bibliographic reference. May function as a hypertext reference to an external electronic resource. A more structured content model, similar to TEI's biblFull, requires new elements that function like those in the meiHead DTD, but that do not duplicate their names.
  • Used by: model.biblLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, blockquote, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <blockquote> ((blockquote | list | p | table | lg)+, bibl?)
    Blockquote contains a text phrase or passage attributed to a source external to the text. The source for the quote may be included in the optional bibl sub-element.
  • Used by: model.textcomponentLike model.paracontentPart
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: annot, blockquote, creation, div, figdesc, fw, item, p, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, td, th, titlepage.
    <body> mdiv+
    The body element contains the actual music data. When the music can be broken into high-level, discrete, linear segments, such as movements in the case of a symphony, there may be multiple mdiv elements within the body. This is the highest level indication of the structure of the music. The declaration of % content.body '(%model.mdivLike;)* allows the body element to be empty, which might be useful in some editing/creation situations.
  • Used by: music
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: music
    <breath> EMPTY
    The breathmark element is a specialized form of, i.e., syntactic sugar for, dir/@type="breathmark" with "," as its PCDATA content.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <btrem> (chord | note)
    Bowed tremolo (Read, p. 393-394) is a rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord. This element should also be used for wind double and triple tonguing and for flutter tonguing when these are expressed as tremolandi.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <caption> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A label which accompanies an illustration or a table.
  • Used by: figure
  • Module: meiFigures
  • Possible parent elements: fig, table.
    <cc> EMPTY
    Parameter/control change. The num attribute specifies parameter number, while val contains the parameter value. Each must fall in the range 0-127.

    A sampling of controllers and their numbers: 0 Bank Select MSB 1 Modulation 2 Breath Control 5 Portamento Time 7 Main Volume 10 Pan 11 Expression 32 Bank Select LSB 64 Sustain Pedal (0=up, 127=down) 65 Portamento Pedal (0=off, 127=on) 91 Reverb 93 Chorus Depth 120 All Sounds Off (0) 121 Reset All Controllers (0) 123 All Notes Off (0)

  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <chan> EMPTY
    Channel assignment.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <change> (respstmt, changedesc, date)
    Individual change within the revision description. The resp attribute contains a pointer to an element containing info about the person/entity responsible for change. The date element is declared in the meiShared DTD.
  • Used by: revisiondesc
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: revisiondesc
    <changedesc> p+
    Description of a revision of the MEI file.
  • Used by: change
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: change
    <chanpr> EMPTY
    Channel pressure/after touch. The value of the num attribute must be in the range 0-127.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <choice> (choice | corr | orig | reg | sic | unclear | abbr | expan)*
    Choice groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text. Because the children of a choice element all represent alternative ways of encoding the same sequence, it is natural to think of them as mutually exclusive. However, there may be cases where a full representation of a text requires the alternative encodings to be considered as parallel. Note also that choice elements may be recursively nested.
  • Used by: model.editLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <chord> (note | artic)*
    Chord, a simultaneous sounding of 2 or more notes in the same layer with the same duration. See Read, p. 69.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, btrem, corr, damage, del, ftrem, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <chorddef> (chordmember*, barre*)
    Chord/tablature definition. An individual chord in the chord table. An id isn't required here but harm elements can only reference a particular chorddef via an id. Therefore, if a chorddef will ever be referenced, an id is necessary. The pos (position) attribute is provided in order to create displayable chord tablature grids. (Read, p. 409-410)
  • Used by: chordtable
  • Module: meiHarmony
  • Parent element: chordtable
    <chordmember> EMPTY
    Chord member. An individual pitch in a chord. The fing and fret attributes are provided in order to create displayable chord tablature grids. The inth (harmonic interval) attribute may be used to facilitate automated performance of a chord. It gives the number of 1/2 steps above the bass. Of course, for the bass note itself, inth should be set to '0'.
  • Used by: chordmember
  • Module: meiHarmony
  • Parent element: chorddef
    <chordtable> chorddef+
    Chord/tablature look-up table. A table may be shared between mei instances through the use of an external parsed entity containing the look-up table to be shared.
  • Used by: model.chordtableLike
  • Module: meiHarmony
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <classcode> #PCDATA
    A classification code, i.e., LC subject or call number, or a thesaurus or ontology citation. The source of controlled-vocabulary terms used in the keywords element.
  • Used by: classification
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: classification
    <classification> (classcode | keywords)+
    The classification element groups information which describes the nature or topic of a musical work in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc.
  • Used by: model.profiledescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: profiledesc, source.
    <clef> EMPTY
    The clef element must be used when a staff employs multiple simultaneous clefs.
  • Used by: model.clefchangePart model.staffdefPart.multiplyDefinable
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: clefchange, staffdef.
    <clefchange> clef*
    Mid-measure clef change. Coming as it does, in the middle of a measure, a clef change is an event.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <condition> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The physical condition of an item, particularly any variances between the physical makeup of the item and that of other copies of the same item (e.g., missing pages, plates, etc.). Condition may reflect other aspects of the physical condition of the item as well (e.g., brittleness, faded images, etc.).
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <corpname> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Identifies an organization or group of people that acts as a single entity. May contain name parts in corpname sub-elements since corpname is included in model.textphraseLike.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.agent
  • Module: meiNamesDates
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, respstmt, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <corr> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Correction contains the correct form of an apparent erroneous passage. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for suggesting the correction held as the content of the <corr> element. If the correction was made in the source, resp should be used to identify the hand of the corrector.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike model.choicePart
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <correction> p+
    States how and under what circumstances corrections have been made in the music/text.
  • Used by: model.editorialdeclPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: editorialdecl
    <creation> (blockquote | list | p | table | lg)+
    Non-bibliographic creation details for the work being encoded, in narrative form. The model.textcomponent class elements are declared in the meiShared DTD.
  • Used by: model.profiledescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: profiledesc
    <cue> #PCDATA
    Cue point.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <curve> EMPTY
    Curve. The x1,y1 and x2,y2 attributes identify the two terminal points of the curve. If the startid or endid attributes are present, then the x,y and x2,y2 coordinates are relative to the xy coordinates of the referenced element(s). Otherwise, they are assumed to be absolute page coordinate references. The bulge or, alternatively, the bezier attribute, describe the shape of the curve. The bulge attribute describes the curve as a set of distance values above or below an imaginary line connecting the endpoints of the curve while the bezier attribute records the placement of Bezier control points as a series of space-separated xy coordinate pairs, eg. 19 45 -32 118. The bulge attribute must contain one or more values of the %NUMBER type. Either the bezier attribute or the bulge and xy coordinates are required. The rend attribute captures the appearance of the curve.
  • Used by: model.graphicprimitiveLike
  • Module: meiUserSymbols
  • Possible parent elements: dir, ending, figdesc, harm, layer, measure, ossia, pgdesc, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable, symboldef, tempo.
    <custos> EMPTY
    Custos or direct. The symbol placed at the end of a staff to indicate the first note of the next staff.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sb, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <damage> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Contains an area of damage to the carrier. In the case of damage resulting from an identifiable cause, the agent attribute signifies the causative agent. The degree attribute signifies the degree of damage according to a convenient scale. A <damage> tag with this attribute should only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; data supplied from other sources should be tagged as <supplied>. The extent attribute indicates approximately how much text is in the damaged area, in notes, measures, inches, or any appropriate unit, where this cannot be deduced from the contents of the tag. For example, the damage may span structural divisions in the text so that the tag must then be empty of content. In the case of damage (deliberate defacement, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, the hand attribute signifies the hand responsible for the damage.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <date> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb)*
    A date in any format.
  • Used by: model.dateLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, change, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, pubstmt, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <del> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Del contains information deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the hand of the deletion. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the identification of the hand of the deletion. The hand of the agent which made the deletion should be pointed to using the hand attribute. The rend attribute may be used to record the method used to make the deletion (overstrike, strike[through], etc.) or how the deleted matter should be displayed.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <dimensions> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Physical dimensions of a bibliographic source. There are no height and width sub-elements; however, the num element may be used.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <dir> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Directives, e.g. text expressions that are on the score (typically above, below, or between staves), but not on the staff and not encoded elsewhere, such as in tempo or dynam elements. Examples include text strings, such as 'affettuoso' or fingerings and music symbols, such as segno and coda symbols, fermatas over a barline, etc. Unlike generic text elements, directives can be control elements. That is, they can be used as pointers to other events. The %model.textphraseLike.limited entity is employed here instead of %model.textphrase in order to disallow use of the pb sub-element.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear, verse.
    <div> ((lb | pb)*, head?, (div | blockquote | list | p | table | lg)+, (lb | pb)*)
    Textual division.
  • Used by: model.divLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: back, div, ending, front, layer, measure, ossia, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable.
    <dot> EMPTY
    The dot element is provided for the encoding of mensural notation. The dot element may be used for dots of augmentation or division.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.mensural-cmn
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <dynam> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    The dynam element may be used for instantaneous or continuous textual dynamics, e.g. 'p', 'mf', or 'cresc. poco a poco'. See Read, p. 250-255. The hairpin element should be used for graphical dynamic markings. The %model.textphraseLike.limited entity is employed here instead of %model.textphrase in order to disallow use of the pb sub- element.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear, verse.
    <edition> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The edition designation is a word or text phrase that normally indicates a difference in either content or form between the item being described and a related item previously issued by the same publisher/distributor (e.g. 2nd edition, version 2.0, etc.), or simultaneously issued by either the same publisher/distributor or another publisher/distributor (e.g. large print edition, British edition, etc.).
  • Used by: model.biblPart editionstmt
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: bibl, editionstmt.
    <editionstmt> (edition, respstmt*)+
    Container for meta-data pertaining to the edition.
  • Used by: filedesc source
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, source.
    <editorialdecl> (p+ | (((correction | interpretation | normalization | segmentation | stdvals))+, p*))
    Editorialdecl should be used to provide details of editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of musical text.
  • Used by: model.encodingPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: encodingdesc
    <encodingdesc> (appinfo?, projectdesc?, samplingdecl?, editorialdecl?)
    Documents the relationship between an electronic file and the source or sources from which it was derived as well as applications used in the encoding/editing process.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: meihead
    <ending> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((section | ending | measure | staff), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Alternative ending. The scoredef element is allowed so that an ending may have its own meta-data without the overhead of child <section>s. Div sub-elements are not allowed within ending in order to avoid collisions with the brackets that are usually displayed over endings. Endings may not contain other ending elements.
  • Used by: model.endingLike ending
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: ending, part, rdg, score, section.
    <exhibithist> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Exhibition history is a record of public exhibitions, including dates, venues, etc.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <expan> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    expan (expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation. The type attribute may be used to classify the abbreviation according to some convenient typology. See example values above. This tag is the mirror image of the <abbr> tag; both allow the encoder to transcribe both an abbreviation and its expansion. In <abbr>, however, the original is transcribed as the content of the element and the expansion as an attribute value; <expan> reverses this. The choice between the two is up to the user. The <expan> tag is not required; if appropriate, the encoder may expand abbreviations in the source text silently, without tagging them. If this is done, the MEI header should so indicate. The abbr attribute gives the abbreviation in its unexpanded form. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the expansion of the abbreviation. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for supplying the expansion of the abbreviation held as the content of the <expan> element.
  • Used by: model.editorialLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, choice, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <extent> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The extent element is used to express size in terms other than physical dimensions, such as number of pages, number of records in file, number of bytes, performance duration for music, audio recordings and visual projections, etc. For physical dimensions use the dimensions element.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart filedesc
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, physdesc.
    <extptr> EMPTY
    An empty linking element that uses attributes to connect the MEI document to an external electronic object. Don't confuse this element with the ptr element, which is an internal link for movement from one place in the MEI document to another in the same document.
  • Used by: model.locrefLike
  • Module: meiPtrRefs
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <extref> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb)*
    A linking element that can include text and subelements as part of its reference to an electronic object that is external to the MEI document. Don't confuse this element with the ref element, which is an internal link for movement from one place in the MEI document to another in the same document.
  • Used by: model.locrefLike
  • Module: meiPtrRefs
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <facsimile> ((graphic | surface)*)
    Facsimile contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text. The source attribute may be used to link the collection of images with a particular source.
  • Used by: model.facsimileLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Parent element: music
    <fermata> EMPTY
    The fermata element is a specialized form of, i.e., syntactic sugar for, dir/@type="fermata" with &ferm; or &uferm; as its PCDATA content.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <fig> (caption?, figdesc?, graphic*)
    An illustration.
  • Used by: model.figureLike
  • Module: meiFigures
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <figdesc> (#PCDATA | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | annot)*
    Contains a brief prose description of the appearance or content of a graphic figure, for use when documenting an image without displaying it. Best practice suggests the use of controlled vocabulary. Don't confuse this element with a figure caption. A caption is text primarily intended for display with an illustration. It may or may not function as a description of the illustration.
  • Used by: figure surface zone
  • Module: meiFigures
  • Possible parent elements: fig, surface, zone.
    <filedesc> (titlestmt, editionstmt?, extent?, fingerprint?, pubstmt, seriesstmt?, notesstmt?, sourcedesc?)
    Filedesc contains a full bibliographic description of the MEI file. Extent in this context is file size.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: meihead
    <fingerprint> #PCDATA
    Traditionally, an identifier constructed by combining groups of characters transcribed from specified pages of a printed item. For an electronic item, however, the fingerprint should be a checksum. The checksum makes it possible to signal differences between copies of the item.
  • Used by: filedesc
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: filedesc
    <front> ((lb | pb)*, (div | titlepage)+, (lb | pb)*)
    Front matter. The pb element is allowed here in order to accommodate page images, e.g. cover, endpapers, etc. before and after the actual textual matter.
  • Used by: music
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: music
    <ftrem> ((chord, (chord | note)) | (note, (chord | note)))
    Fingered tremolo (Read, p. 235-238) is a rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second. For rapid alternation between notes on the same pitch (bowed tremolo, double & triple tonguing, and flutter tonguing) use the btrem element.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <fw> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Forme work, e.g. header and footer. This element is intended for capture of header/footer material that is non-repeating; that is, it occurs on isolated pages. For running headers and footers use pgheadN and pgfootN elements. Auto-generated page numbers may be included by using a processing instruction.
  • Used by: model.pgmetaLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Parent element: pb
    <gap> EMPTY
    Indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether as part of sampling practice or for editorial reasons described in the MEI header. When material is omitted because it is illegible or inaudible, <unclear> should be used instead. Similarly, use <damage> if the omission is due to damage and <del> if the omission is because the material is marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. An indication of how much material has been omitted from the transcription may be recorded in the extent attribute. The unit attribute names the unit used for describing the extent of the gap. The reason attribute gives the reason for omission. Sample values include 'sampling', 'irrelevant', 'cancelled'. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor, transcriber or encoder responsible for the decision not to provide any transcription of the material and hence the application of the <gap> tag.
  • Used by: model.editLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <geogname> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Geographic name. The proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction. May contain name sub-parts in geogname sub-elements since geogname is included in model.textphrase.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.place model.pubstmtPart
  • Module: meiNamesDates
  • Parent element: pubstmt
    <gliss> (note | rest | tuplet)*
    Glissando (Read, p. 243-245, 397-398). Sometimes called a 'slide'. More precise performance data may be recorded within the gliss element.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <graphic> EMPTY
    Indicates the location of an inline graphic, illustration, or figure.
  • Used by: model.graphicLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: facsimile, fig, surface, zone.
    <group> ((music | group), (music | group)*)
    The group element enables the gathering of multiple documents into a single file. Because its model contains the music element, each of the documents can have its own front and back matter.
  • Used by: music group
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: group, music.
    <grpsym> label*
    Group symbol, i.e., a brace or bracket. This element may be used instead of the staffgrp element's symbol attribute when exact placement or editorial details for the brace must be recorded.
  • Used by: staffgrp
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: staffgrp
    <hairpin> EMPTY
    Hairpin. (Read, p. 250-255) Indicates continuous dynamics expressed on the score as graphics, e.g. < and >.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <halfmrpt> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)*
    A half-measure repeat in any meter.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <hand> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The hand element is used to define each distinct scribe or handwriting style. The initial attribute indicates whether this is the first or main scribe of the document. The medium attribute describes the writing medium, e.g., 'pencil', or the tint or type of ink, e.g. 'brown'. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the hand. The characteristics of the hand, particularly those related to the quality of the writing, such as 'shaky', 'thick', etc. may be described within the content of the hand element.
  • Used by: handlist
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: handlist
    <handlist> hand+
    The handlist element contains a series of <hand> elements listing the different hands of the source.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <handshift> EMPTY
    Marks the beginning of a passage written in a new hand, or of a change in the scribe, writing style, ink or character of the document hand. The character attribute describes characteristics of the hand, particularly those related to the quality of the writing, e.g., 'shaky', 'thick', regular'. A description of the tint or type of ink, e.g. 'brown' or the writing medium, e.g. 'pencil', may be placed in the medium attribute. The new hand may be identified using the new attribute, while the previous hand may be recorded in the old attribute. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the change of hand.
  • Used by: model.editLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <harm> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Indication of harmony, e.g. chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass. Read, p. 411. The %model.textphraseLike.limited entity is employed here instead of %model.textphrase in order to disallow the use of the pb sub-element.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiHarmony
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <harppedal> EMPTY
    Harp pedal diagram. (Read, p. 325)
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.instruments
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <head> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Contains any heading, for example, the title of a text division, or the heading of a list. A head is not allowed to contain a sub-head in order to encourage the proper nesting of div elements.
  • Used by: model.headLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: div, lg, list.
    <hex> #PCDATA
    Arbitrary MIDI data in hex.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <identifier> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Bibliographic, e.g., International Standard Book/Music Number, Library of Congress Control Number, Publisher's Number, or personal identifier.
  • Used by: model.textphraseLike model.textphraseLike.limited model.pubstmtPart
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, pubstmt, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, seriesstmt, sic, source, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <ineume> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | accid | artic | verse | app | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    The interrupted neume element is provided for the encoding of neume notation.
      form    liquescent1 | liquescent2 | tied | tiedliquescent1 | tiedliquescent2    #IMPLIED
      id    ID    #IMPLIED
      n    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
      name    pessubpunctis | climacus | scandicus | bistropha | tristropha | pressusminor | pressusmaior | pressusliquescens | virgastrata    #IMPLIED
      subtype    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
      type    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume
  • Module: meiNeumes
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <inscription> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    An inscription added to an item, such as a bookplate, a note designating the item as a gift, and/or the author's signature.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <instrdef> EMPTY
    Default MIDI instrument declaration. This element provides a starting or default instrument declaration for a staff, a group of staves, or a layer. MIDI prog elements may then change the instrument as necessary.
  • Used by: instrdefLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: layerdef, staffdef, staffgrp.
    <interpretation> p+
    Describes the scope of any analytic or interpretive information added to the musical text in addition to the transcription.
  • Used by: model.editorialdeclPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: editorialdecl
    <item> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Single item in a list.
  • Used by: list
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: list
    <keyaccid> EMPTY
    Accidental in a key signature. It is a semantic error not to provide x and y or staffloc attributes.
  • Used by: model.keyaccidLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: keychange, keysig.
    <keychange> keyaccid*
    Key change.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.mensural-cmn
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <keysig> keyaccid*
    Key signature. This element may be used as an alternative to the key.* attributes (especially key.sig.mixed) on scoredef and staffdef.
      accid    s | f | ss | ff | n    #IMPLIED
      id    ID    #IMPLIED
      mode    major | minor | dorian | phrygian | lydian | mixolydian | aeolian | locrian    #IMPLIED
      n    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
      pname    a | b | c | d | e | f | g    #IMPLIED
  • Used by: model.keysigLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: scoredef, staffdef.
    <keywords> term+
    Collection of keywords or text phrases which describe the work.
  • Used by: classification
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: classification
    <l> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    The l element contains a single line of text. The n attribute should be used to record a label for the line, i.e., most likely a line number. Do not confuse this element with the line element, which is used for typographical lines.
  • Used by: model.lLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: lg
    <label> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Staff, staffgrp, or grpsym label.
  • Used by: model.labelLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: grpsym, staffdef, staffgrp.
    <language> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The name of a language. The language of text elements may be related to this element via its id, which may take the form of a code, drawn from a coded list, such as RFC 3066 or iso639-2b. The authority attribute should contain the name of the list from which a controlled value is taken.
  • Used by: langusage
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: langusage
    <langusage> language+
    Langusage describes the languages, sublanguages, dialects, etc., represented within the encoded work.
  • Used by: model.profiledescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: profiledesc, source.
    <layer> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | midi | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | accid | artic | dot | verse | syl), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Layer (voice). An independent stream of events on a staff. The term 'layer' in used in order to avoid confusion between 'voice' and 'voice leading'. The n attribute should be used to establish a connection back to the appropriate layerdef element. Usually, the topmost layer is "1", next is "2", etc. regardless of voicing). If the n attribute is omitted, encoding order is presumed to match the layer order. Of course, if data is supplied for only a subset of layers, the n attribute must be supplied.
  • Used by: model.layerLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, unclear.
    <layerdef> instrdef*
    Container for layer (e.g. voice) meta-information.
      beam.group    CDATA    #IMPLIED
      beam.rests    true | false    #IMPLIED
      dur.default    long | breve | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | maxima | longa | brevis | semibrevis | minima | semiminima | fusa | semifusa    #IMPLIED
      id    ID    #IMPLIED
      n    NMTOKEN    #IMPLIED
      octave.default    [0-9]    #IMPLIED
  • Used by: layerdefLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: staffdef
    <lb> EMPTY
    Text line break. The n attribute should be used to record a label for the line, i.e., most likely a line number. See comment on verse element for description of func attribute.
  • Used by: model.milestoneLike.text model.textphraseLike.limited
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, back, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, div, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, front, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, reh, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, titlepage, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict, verse.
    <lg> (head?, l+)
    Line group usually contains verse although it may be used for any section of text that is organized as a group of lines.
  • Used by: model.textcomponentLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: annot, blockquote, creation, div, figdesc, fw, item, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, td, th, titlepage.
    <ligature> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | midi | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | accid | artic | dot | verse | syl)*
    The ligature element is provided for the encoding of mensural notation.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume-mensural
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <line> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Line. The x,y and x2,y2 attributes identify the two terminal points of the line. Text content of the line element, e.g. 'gliss.', may be rendered with the line. If the startid or endid attributes are present, then the x,y and x2,y2 coordinates are relative to the xy coordinates of the referenced element(s). Otherwise, they are assumed to be absolute page coordinate references. The appearance of the line is captured in the rend attribute.
  • Used by: model.graphicprimitiveLike
  • Module: meiUserSymbols
  • Possible parent elements: dir, ending, figdesc, harm, layer, measure, ossia, pgdesc, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable, symboldef, tempo.
    <list> (head?, item+)
    List. N.B. A definition list should be encoded as a 2-column table.
  • Used by: model.listLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: annot, blockquote, creation, div, figdesc, fw, item, p, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, provenance, seriesstmt, td, th, titlepage.
    <lyrics> verse+
    Lyrics. The staff attribute gives the staff to which the lyrics are attached. The rhythm of the lyrics will be taken from the notes of that staff. If there is more than 1 layer on that staff, the layer attribute may be used to indicate the layer from which the rhythm should be taken.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiLyrics
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <marker> #PCDATA
    Marker meta event.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <mdiv> ((score?, parts?) | mdiv*)
    The mdiv element may contain one or both of 2 possible views of the music. The score view is the traditional full and open score while the parts view contains each performer's view of the score; that is, his part. These 2 views are necessary because it is not always possible or desirable to generate one from the other. The score and parts elements are placed here and not directly within the body element because score and part characteristics may change from mdiv to mdiv. For example, the 2nd movement of a symphony may require different performing forces (and therefore different score and part layout) than the other movements. The mdiv element may be recursively nested in order to represent music which exhibits this kind of structure. For example, an opera is normally divided into acts, which are in turn divided into scenes. This may be represented by the following markup:
      <mdiv> <- the opera
        <mdiv> <- act I
          <mdiv> <- scene i
          <mdiv> <- scene ii
        <mdiv> <- act II
          <mdiv> <- scene i
          <mdiv> <- scene ii
  • Used by: body mdiv
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: body, mdiv.
    <measure> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((staff | ossia | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Measure. "In Western notation a vertical line drawn through the staff to mark off metrical units. Hence also the metrical unit thus indicated, which in American usage is called 'measure'. English usage often relies on context alone to make the distinction clear (e.g. 'up to the double bar', 'the end of the bar'), but 'bar-line' is also common." (New Grove) In MEI, the measure element is also a linking element that uses attributes to connect the MEI document to an external electronic object or to another location within the MEI instance. Any number of alternative encodings for the measure (ossia) can be included.
  • Used by: model.measureLike
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, ending, orig, rdg, reg, restore, section, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <mei> (meihead, music)
    The names of the potential document elements, i.e., mei, meicorpus, meihead, and music, should not be changed in order to assure an absolute minimum level of MEI compliance. The version attribute contains the version of the DTD used by the instance. The document element for a single document contains a header and data.
  • Parent element: meicorpus
    <meicorpus> (meihead, mei+)
    The document element for a group of documents, each with its own complete header, contains a header for the group, and one or more mei elements.
  • Parent elements: none
    <meihead> (altmeiid*, filedesc, (encodingdesc?, profiledesc?), revisiondesc?)
    The meihead element contains general information about the encoded file.
  • Possible parent elements: mei, meicorpus.
    <mensur> EMPTY
    The mensur element is provided for the encoding of mensural notation.
  • Used by: model.staffdefPart.multiplyDefinable
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: mensurchange, staffdef.
    <mensurchange> mensur+
    Mensuration change.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume-mensural
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <metatext> #PCDATA
    Text meta event.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <midi> (cc | chan | chanpr | cue | hex | marker | metatext | noteoff | noteon | port | prog | seqnum | trkname | vel)*
    Container for a collection of elements which contain information useful when generating MIDI output. The n attribute can be used to differentiate between multiple MIDI data streams, e.g. quantized/unquantized, straight/swing, ornamented/as notated, etc.
  • Used by: model.midiLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <mordent> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)*
    Mordent (Read, p. 245-246). Events may be contained within mordent in order to record precise performance data.
  • Used by: model.ornamentLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMNOrnaments
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <mrest> EMPTY
    Complete measure rest in any meter (Read, p. 97-98). The numbering of consecutive measures of rest may be controlled via the multi.number attribute on the scoredef or staffdef elements.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <mrpt> EMPTY
    A repeated measure (Read, p. 224-225). The numbering of consecutive measures of rest may be controlled via the multi.number attribute on the scoredef or staffdef elements.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <mrpt2> EMPTY
    2-measure repeat sign.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <mspace> EMPTY
    Complete measure of space in any meter. The numbering of consecutive measures of space may be controlled via the multi.number attribute on the scoredef or staffdef elements.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <multirest> EMPTY
    Multiple measures of rest.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <multirpt> EMPTY
    Multiple repeated measures. Read (p. 225-226) says repeats of more than 2 measures should be written out using repeat signs.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn.measureFilling
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <music> (facsimile*, ((front?, (body | group)?, back?)))
    This element is a container for everything else in the document besides the header. The front and back elements are declared in the meiText DTD.
  • Possible parent elements: group, mei.
    <name> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Contains the name of an individual, such as 'Henry VIII, King of England', a corporate body, such as 'The Beatles', a geographical place or a generative mechanical process. They are available here in order to record any identifiers or dates, associated with the name, i.e., birth and death in the case of persons or creation and dissolution in the case of a corporate entity or place. When name parts are needed, use name sub-elements. The recommended values for the type attribute are: pers, corp, place, process.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.agent
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, application, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, respstmt, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <normalization> p+
    Indicates the extent of normalization or regularization of the original source carried out in converting it to electronic form.
  • Used by: model.editorialdeclPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: editorialdecl
    <nota> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | accid | artic | dot | syl | verse | app | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A single pitched event in the mensural repertoire. The nota element is allowed to contain other events for situations where a single written note may be representative of a group of performed notes. The accid and artic sub-elements may be used instead of the note element's attributes when accid and artic represent first-class objects, e.g. when they require attributes, such as x and y location attributes. Similarly, the syl sub-element may be used instead of the syl attribute. The verse sub-element may be used to group text syllables by verse.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.mensural
  • Module: meiMensural
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <note> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | accid | artic | dot | verse | syl | app | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Note (Read, p. 63), a single pitched event. The note element is allowed to contain other events for situations where a single written note may be representative of a group of performed notes. The accid and artic sub-elements may be used instead of the note element's attributes when accid and artic represent first-class objects, e.g. when they require attributes, such as x and y location attributes. Similarly, the syl sub-element may be used instead of the syl attribute. The verse sub- element may be used to group text syllables by verse.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, bend, btrem, chord, corr, damage, del, ftrem, gliss, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <noteoff> EMPTY
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <noteon> EMPTY
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <notesstmt> annot+
    Collects together any bibliographic notes providing information additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description.
  • Used by: filedesc
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, source.
    <num> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A number in any form.
  • Used by: model.measurementLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <octave> EMPTY
    Octave displacement. (Read, p. 45)
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <orig> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <ossia> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((staff | ossia | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    The term "ossia" indicates an alternative, usually simpler, version of a measure present in the source being transcribed. An ossia may be treated as a substitute for the measure, in which case it is rendered on the current staff, or it may be rendered in addition to the measure's contents, in which case it is rendered above the staff on a reduced-size staff.
  • Used by: model.ossiaLike
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: measure, ossia, rdg.
    <p> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | table | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
  • Used by: model.textcomponentLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: annot, application, blockquote, changedesc, correction, creation, div, editorialdecl, figdesc, fw, interpretation, item, normalization, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, projectdesc, samplingdecl, segmentation, stdvals, td, th, titlepage.
    <pad> EMPTY
    Used to create additional visual space between notational elements.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <part> (section | ending)*
    A part is an alternative visual rendition of the score from a particular performer's point of view. Part elements are not used in the score to indicate voice leading. Next attributes on event elements should be used for this purpose. Part elements are useful for encoding individual parts when there is no score, such as early music part books, when the music has non-aligning barlines, when different layout, such as page turns, are needed for the score and parts, or for accommodating software that requires part-by-part encoding. When assembly of the parts into a score is desired and there are non-aligning barlines, barlines which indicate points of alignment across all the parts should be marked as 'controlling', while non-aligning ones should be marked as 'non- controlling'.
  • Used by: model.partLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: parts
    <parts> part*
    Parts view of the mdiv.
  • Used by: partsLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: mdiv
    <pausa> EMPTY
    A rest in the mensural repertoire.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.mensural
  • Module: meiMensural
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <pb> (fw*, pgdesc?)
    Page break. Meta-data about an accompanying page image may be recorded in the pgdesc element. The n attribute records the page number in the source. It need not be an integer, e.g. 'iv', or 'p17-3'. The logical page number can be calculated by counting previous pb ancestor elements. The source attribute is provided for linking to the bibliographic description of the source(s) that contains the page break. When used in a score context, a page break implies an accompanying system break. Permitting the following attributes will make it possible to record layout changes at a pagebreak rather than forcing a new section element:
              botmar             %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED
              height             %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED
              leftmar            %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED
              rightmar           %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED
              topmar             %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED
              spacing.system     CDATA                 #IMPLIED
              width              %data.NUMBER;         #IMPLIED 
  • Used by: model.milestoneLike.text model.milestoneLike.music
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, annot, back, bibl, caption, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, div, ending, expan, extref, front, geogname, head, identifier, item, l, layer, measure, name, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, rdg, ref, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, stack, staff, stylename, supplied, syllable, td, th, title, titlepage, unclear.
    <pedal> EMPTY
    Piano pedal mark (Read, p. 317-318).
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.instruments
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <periodname> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A label that describes a period of time, such as 'Baroque' or '3rd Style period'.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.label
  • Module: meiNamesDates
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <persname> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Designation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names. May contain name parts in persname sub-elements since persname is included in model.textphrase.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.agent
  • Module: meiNamesDates
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, respstmt, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <pgdesc> (#PCDATA | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | annot | extptr | extref | ptr | ref)*
    Contains a brief prose description of the appearance or description of the content of a physical page. Best practice suggests the use of controlled vocabulary. Don't confuse this element with a figure caption. A caption is text primarily intended for display with an illustration. It may or may not function as a description of the illustration. Perhaps a better model is (%model.locrefLike;)* with which one could force page-level meta-data to the header where it could be encoded in notesstmt elements.
  • Used by: pb
  • Module: meiShared
  • Parent element: pb
    <pgfoot1> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A running footer on the first page. This element is a specialized form of the fw element. Auto-generated page numbers may be indicated with a processing instruction. The pgheadN and pgfootN elements should not be used to encode textual notes!
  • Used by: model.pgmetaLike.score
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <pgfoot2> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A running header on the pages following the first. This element is a specialized form of the fw element. Auto-generated page numbers may be indicated with a processing instruction. The pgheadN and pgfootN elements should not be used to encode textual notes!
  • Used by: model.pgmetaLike.score
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <pghead1> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A running header on the first page. This element is a specialized form of the fw element for capturing the table-formatted textual data that often appears on the first page of printed music. It may also be used for similarly formatted material in manuscripts. The pgheadN and pgfootN elements should not be used to encode textual notes! Auto- generated page numbers may be indicated with a processing instruction.
  • Used by: model.pgmetaLike.score
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <pghead2> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A running header on the pages following the first. This element is a specialized form of the fw element. The pgheadN and pgfootN elements should not be used to encode textual notes! Auto-generated page numbers may be indicated with a processing instruction.
  • Used by: model.pgmetaLike.score
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <phrase> EMPTY
    Phrase mark, used for a "unified melodic idea" (Read, p. 265).
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <physdesc> (condition | dimensions | exhibithist | extent | handlist | inscription | physmedium | physloc | provenance | repository | titlepage | treatmenthist | treatmentsched)+
    Physical description of a source for the electronic edition. Dedicatory text and title page features may be encoded here when they are not transcribed as part of the front or back matter; i.e., when they are considered to be meta-data.
  • Used by: source
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: source
    <physloc> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Location of the source within a repository, e.g., shelf mark or other locational information.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <physmedium> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Physmedium is used to record the physical materials used in the source, such as ink and paper. The authority attribute should contain the name of the list from which a controlled value is taken.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <port> EMPTY
    MIDI port. The num attribute must be in the range 0-127.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <price> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The cost of access.
  • Used by: model.availabilityPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: availability
    <profiledesc> (creation?, langusage?, classification?)
    Profiledesc provides a detailed description of the non- bibliographic aspects of the creation of a work, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, e.g. the participants, setting, reception history, etc.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: meihead
    <prog> EMPTY
    Program change/new instrument. The num attribute must be in the range 0-127.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <projectdesc> p+
    Project-level meta-data describing the aim or purpose for which the electronic file was encoded, funding agencies, etc. together with any other relevant information concerning the process by which it was assembled or collected.
  • Used by: model.encodingPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: encodingdesc
    <proport> EMPTY
  • Used by: model.staffdefPart.multiplyDefinable
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: proportchange, staffdef.
    <proportchange> proport+
    Proportion change.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume-mensural
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <provenance> (#PCDATA | list | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    The record of ownership or custodianship of an item.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <ptr> EMPTY
    An empty internal linking element that uses attributes to provide for movement from one place in a MEI document to another place in the same document. Unlike the ref element, the ptr element cannot contain text or subelements to describe the referenced object. Don't confuse this element with extptr which is used to connect the MEI document to an external electronic object.
  • Used by: model.locrefLike
  • Module: meiPtrRefs
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, application, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <pubstmt> (unpub? | (geogname | address | respstmt | date | identifier | availability)*)
    Publication meta-data.
  • Used by: filedesc source
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, source.
    <rdg> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((section | ending | measure | staff | ossia | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | layer | syllable | syl | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | accid | artic | dot | verse | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Reading. Since a reading can be a multi-measure section, the scoredef element is allowed so that a reading may have its own meta-data without the overhead of child sections. The measure sub-element is declared in the meiBase DTD and the pb sub-element is declared in the meiShared DTD. The app sub-element is permitted in order to allow nested sub-variants.
  • Used by: app
  • Module: meiCritApp
  • Parent element: app
    <ref> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb)*
    An internal linking element that provides for movement from one place in a MEI document to another point in the same document. Unlike the ptr element, ref may contain text and subelements to describe the destination. Don't confuse this element with extref which provides for linking to an electronic object that is external to the MEI document.
  • Used by: model.locrefLike
  • Module: meiPtrRefs
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <reg> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <reh> (#PCDATA | lb | rend | stack)*
    Rehearsal mark (Read, p. 443). Reh uses a subset of %model.textphraseLike.limited. If the entire rehearsal mark is boxed or circled, the enclose attribute is preferred over a rend sub-element.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <rend> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Special visual rendering of text. A positive value for rotation rotates the text in a counter-clockwise fashion, while negative values produce clockwise rotation. The rend attribute captures the appearance of the text. The altrend attribute can be used to extend the values of the rend attribute. One or the other of the rend and altrend attributes is required.
  • Used by: model.rendLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, reh, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <repository> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Institution which holds a bibliographic item. Sub-units of the institution may be marked with nested repository elements.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.place
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physdesc, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <resp> #PCDATA
    Contains a phrase describing the nature of a person's intellectual responsibility. The authority attribute should contain the name of the list from which a controlled value is taken.
  • Used by: respStmt
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: respstmt
    <respstmt> (resp | name | corpname | persname)*
    A statement of responsibility names one or more individuals, groups, or in rare cases, mechanical processes, responsible for creation or realization of the intellectual or artistic content.
  • Used by: model.pubstmtPart model.respLike titlestmt editionstmt seriesstmt
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: change, editionstmt, pubstmt, seriesstmt, titlestmt.
    <rest> EMPTY
    Rest (Read, p. 96-102), i.e., a non-sounding event, found in the source being transcribed. Do not confuse this element with the space element which is used as an aid for visual alignment.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, bend, corr, damage, del, gliss, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <restore> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Restore indicates restoration of musical material to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction. The desc (description) attribute gives a prose description of the means of restoration, 'stet' or 'strike-down', for example. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the identification of the hand of the restoration. The type attribute may be used to indicate the action cancelled by the restoration. The resp attribute contains an ID reference to an element containing the name of the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying the hand of the restoration. The hand attribute signifies the hand of the agent which made the restoration.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <revisiondesc> change+
    The revision history for an MEI file.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: meihead
    <samplingdecl> p+
    Contains a prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts in the creation of a corpus or collection.
  • Used by: model.encodingPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: encodingdesc
    <sb> custos?
    System break. Allowing staffdef content, i.e., [[ENTITY-1598]]. Allowing staffdef within content.sb would make it possible to record layout changes without requiring these changes to be made at section boundaries. However, it would also allow meter and key changes, which is probably undesirable.
  • Used by: model.milestoneLike.music
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: ending, layer, measure, ossia, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable.
    <score> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((section | ending), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Full score view of the mdiv. Since the measure element is optional, a score may consist entirely of pagebreaks, each of which points to a page image. Div elements are allowed preceding and following sections of music data in order to accommodate blocks of explanatory text.
  • Used by: model.scoreLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Parent element: mdiv
    <scoredef> (timeline*, chordtable?, symboltable?, keysig?, pghead1?, pghead2?, pgfoot1?, pgfoot2?, (staffgrp? | staffdef?))
    Container for score meta-information.

    Score-level encoding strategies for:

       a) alternating meter sig, e.g. 2/4 3/4 in alternating measures (Read,
          p. 164-165) and combined meters (Read, p.166-168): explicitly
          encode meters, make them invisible, display both meter sigs at the
          start of the section
       b) compound meter sig, e.g. 2+3+2/4 (Read, p. 168-170): set
       c) polymeters, e.g. different simultaneous meters (Read, p. 170-173):
          1. where barlines coincide, use beaming to elucidate the polymeter
          2. where barlines sometimes coincide, break into measures
          according to a common unit of time, draw barlines where visually
          3. where barlines never coincide, encode as parts only
       d) mixed meter sig, e.g. 2/4 + 3/16 in the same measure (Read, p.
          173-174): encode in common time base, e.g. 11/16, make meter
          invisible, display both meter sigs at the start of the measure
       e) fractional meter sig, e.g. 3.5/4 (Read, p. 175-177):
          set meter.count=3.5
          The beat count may be displayed as a fraction or as its decimal

  • Used by: model.scoredefLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: ending, layer, measure, ossia, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable.
    <section> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((section | ending | measure | staff), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    The section element contains actual music data. The linking attributes are available here so that this element can point to external media objects or to related internal elements, such as annotations.
  • Used by: model.rdgPart section
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, ending, orig, part, rdg, reg, restore, score, section, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <segmentation> p+
    Describes the principles according to which the musical text has been segmented, for example into movements, sections, etc.
  • Used by: model.editorialdeclPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: editorialdecl
    <seqnum> EMPTY
    Sequence number. The num attribute must be in the range 0- 65535.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <seriesstmt> (title+, respstmt?, identifier*, (list | seriesstmt*))
    Groups information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs. In this context, the title element records the series title, the respStmt element records the person or group responsible for the series, and the identifier element contains a series identifier. The list element should be used when it is necessary to enumerate the contents of the series. The seriesstmt is provided within seriesstmt for the description of a sub-series.
  • Used by: filedesc source seriesstmt
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, seriesstmt, source.
    <sic> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Contains apparently incorrect or inaccurate musical material. A correction for the apparent error may be given in an accompanying child or sibling corr element.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike model.choicePart
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <slur> EMPTY
    Slur, 2 notes performed legato (Read, p. 265-266). The slur element will use either tstamp, duration, and place attributes or start, end, and bulge attributes. It is a semantic error not to specify one of these groups of attributes. The slur and tie elements may be used instead of the slur.* and tie.* attributes provided on chord and note elements when 1) they are required by software, or 2) multiple, alternative slurs are needed. Normally, a slur has only 2 participating events - the starting and ending notes/chords.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <source> (identifier*, titlestmt?, editionstmt?, pubstmt, physdesc?, seriesstmt?, notesstmt?, langusage?, classification?)
    Source contains a bibliographic description of a source for the electronic file. When there are multiple sources, the data attribute may be used to link the description to a particular data element, i.e., mdiv, part, section, ending, reading, measure, staff or layer. Within source, the extent element may be used when only a portion of the source, pages 1-3 for example, are encoded. If extent is absent, then the entire source is presumed to have been encoded. Multiple physdesc sub-elements may be used to describe the physically separate parts of a single source.
  • Used by: sourcedesc
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: sourcedesc
    <sourcedesc> source+
    Sourcedesc is a container for the descriptions of the source(s) used in the creation of the electronic file. The sourcedesc element is required where the MEI file is a transcription of existing music. In the case where the data is originally created in MEI form, the sourcedesc element is not required.
  • Used by: meihead
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: filedesc
    <space> EMPTY
    A placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume, verse.
    <stack> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb)*
    Stacked text, e.g. an inline table with a single column.
  • Used by: model.rendLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, reh, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <staff> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((layer | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | syllable), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    Staff. The n attribute is a connection back to the appropriate staffdef element. If the n attribute is omitted, encoding order is presumed to match the staff order. Of course, if data is supplied for only a subset of staves, the n attribute must be supplied.
  • Used by: model.staffLike
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, ending, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, section, sic, supplied, unclear.
    <staffdef> (label*, keysig?, (instrdef | layerdef | clef | mensur | proport)*)
    Container for staff meta-information.
  • Used by: model.rdgPart
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: ending, layer, measure, ossia, rdg, score, scoredef, section, staff, staffgrp, syllable.
    <staffgrp> (grpsym*, label*, instrdef*, (staffgrp | staffdef)+, grpsym*)
    A group of staves. Bracketed staff groups may contain other bracketed or braced staff groups or single staves. See Read, p. 35-38, examples p. 434, 438. System is the more proper name for this concept (Read, p. 37-38). Split staffgrp into bracket and brace elements?
  • Used by: staffgrpLike staffgrp
  • Module: meiStructure
  • Possible parent elements: ending, layer, measure, ossia, rdg, score, scoredef, section, staff, staffgrp, syllable.
    <stdvals> p+
    Specifies the format used when standardized date or number values are supplied.
  • Used by: model.editorialdeclPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: editorialdecl
    <stylename> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A label for a characteristic style of writing or performance, such as 'bebop' or 'rock-n-roll'. Do not confuse this element with the periodname element.
  • Used by: model.nameLike.label
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <subst> ((add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear), (add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)+)
    Substitution groups transcriptional elements when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text.
      meiform    CDATA    #FIXED subst
  • Used by: model.editLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <supplied> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Supplied contains musical material supplied by the transcriber or editor in place of text which cannot be read, either because of physical damage or loss in the original or because it is illegible for any reason. When the presumed loss of text arises from an identifiable cause, agent signifies the causative agent. When the presumed loss of text arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, the hand attribute signifies the hand responsible for the action. The reason attribute indicates why the text has to be supplied, e.g. 'overbinding', 'faded ink', 'lost folio', 'omitted in original', etc. The source attribute contains the source of the supplied text.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <surface> (figdesc*, graphic*, zone*)
    The surface element defines a written surface in terms of a rectangular coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, and rectangular zones of interest within it.
  • Used by: zone
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Parent element: facsimile
    <syl> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Individual lyric syllable.
  • Used by: model.noteModifierLike model.notaModifierLike model.rdgPart
  • Module: meiLyrics
  • Possible parent elements: layer, ligature, nota, note, rdg, syllable, verse.
    <syllable> ((app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*, ((syl | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | midi | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | accid | artic | dot | verse), (app | div | pb | sb | scoredef | staffdef | staffgrp | annot | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*)*)
    The syllable element is used only for neume notation. Most neume notation can be thought of as "neumed text".
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume
  • Module: meiNeumes
  • Possible parent elements: rdg, staff.
    <symbol> EMPTY
    A reference to a previously defined symbol. The x and y attributes identify the starting point, e.g. "hotspot" of the symbol. If the startid attribute is present, then the xy coordinates are relative to the xy coordinates of the referenced element. Otherwise, they are assumed to be absolute page coordinate references. The ref attribute must contain the id of a symboldef element. The scale attribute indicates that the printed output must be scaled by the specified percentage.
  • Used by: model.graphicprimitiveLike
  • Module: meiUserSymbols
  • Possible parent elements: dir, ending, figdesc, harm, layer, measure, ossia, pgdesc, rdg, score, section, staff, syllable, symboldef, tempo.
    <symboldef> (curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext)+
    Declaration of an individual symbol in a symboltable.
  • Used by: symboltable
  • Module: meiUserSymbols
  • Parent element: symboltable
    <symboltable> symboldef+
    Symboltable contains individual, user-defined symbols. Like a chord table, a symboltable may be shared between mei instances through the use of an external parsed entity containing the symboltable to be shared.
  • Used by: model.symboltableLike
  • Module: meiUserSymbols
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <sysreq> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    System requirements for using the electronic item.
  • Used by: model.availabilityPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: availability
    <table> (caption?, tr+)
    Visual layout in tabular form.
  • Used by: model.tableLike
  • Module: meiText
  • Possible parent elements: annot, blockquote, creation, div, figdesc, fw, item, p, pgdesc, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, td, th, titlepage.
    <td> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Table cell containing data.
  • Used by: tr
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: tr
    <tempo> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | curve | line | symbol | anchoredtext | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Text and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "[qtrnote]=60", "Moderato [qtrnote] =60"). Both "instantaneous" and "continuous" tempo markings may be encoded using this element. The %model.textphraseLike.limited entity is employed here instead of %model.textphrase in order to disallow the use of the pb sub-element.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.common
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear, verse.
    <term> (#PCDATA | term | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Individual keywords or phrases which describe the work. The classcode attribute may be used to link the term to a terminological source given in a classcode element. The term element may include other term elements in order to allow the creation of coordinated terms; i.e., terms created from a combination of other, independent terms.
  • Used by: keywords
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: keywords, term.
    <th> (#PCDATA | blockquote | list | p | table | lg | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Table cell containing header information.
  • Used by: table
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: tr
    <tie> EMPTY
    Tie (Read, p. 110-111, 122).
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <timeline> when*
    Timeline provides a set of ordered points in time to which musical elements can be linked in order to create a temporal alignment of those elements. The origin attribute designates the origin of the timeline, i.e., the time at which it begins. It must point to one of the when elements in its content. Units specifies the unit of time corresponding to the value of the interval attribute of the timeline or of its constituent points in time. The mediacontent attribute is provided in order to link the timeline to a particular external media file, such as an audio file. The medialength attribute specifies the length of the external media file in terms of the units attribute.
  • Used by: model.alignLike
  • Module: meiLinkAlign
  • Parent element: scoredef
    <title> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    Title of a bibliographic entity. The type attribute may be used to classify the title according to some convenient typology. Sample values include:
       main         main title 
       subordinate  subtitle, title of part 
       abbreviated  abbreviated form of title
       alternative  alternate title by which the work is also known
       translated   translated form of title
       uniform      uniform title

    The type attribute is provided for convenience in analysing titles and processing them according to their type; where such specialized processing is not necessary, there is no need for such analysis, and the entire title, including subtitles and any parallel titles, may be enclosed within a single <title> element. The level attribute indicates whether this is the title of an article, monograph, journal, series, or unpublished material. Title parts may be encoded in title sub-elements since title is included in model.textphrase.
  • Used by: model.titleLike
  • Module: meiShared
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, accessdesc, acqsource, add, addressline, altmeiid, anchoredtext, annot, bibl, caption, condition, corpname, corr, damage, date, del, dimensions, dir, dynam, edition, exhibithist, expan, extent, extref, fw, geogname, hand, harm, head, identifier, inscription, item, l, label, language, line, name, num, orig, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, physloc, physmedium, price, provenance, ref, reg, rend, repository, restore, seriesstmt, sic, stack, stylename, supplied, syl, sysreq, td, tempo, term, th, title, titlestmt, treatmenthist, treatmentsched, unclear, userestrict.
    <titlepage> (blockquote | list | p | table | lg | lb | pb)+
    The titlepage element contains a transcription of the title page of a text. It may be used within the physdesc element when no other transcription is provided.
  • Used by: model.frontPart model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: front, physdesc.
    <titlestmt> (title+, respstmt?)
    Container for title and responsibility meta-data.
  • Used by: filedesc source
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Possible parent elements: filedesc, source.
    <tr> (th | td)+
    Table row.
  • Used by: table
  • Module: meiText
  • Parent element: table
    <treatmenthist> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    A record of the treatment the item has undergone (e.g., deacidification, restoration, etc.) Treatment history may also comprise details of the treatment process (e.g., chemical solutions used, techniques applied, etc.), the date the treatment was applied, etc.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <treatmentsched> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Scheduled treatment, e.g. deacidification, restoration, etc., for an item.
  • Used by: model.physdescPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: physdesc
    <trill> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)*
    Trill (Read, p. 232-235). Events may be contained within trill in order to record precise performance data.
  • Used by: model.ornamentLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMNOrnaments
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <trkname> #PCDATA
    Track/sequence name.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <tuplet> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)+
    Tuplet (Read, p. 187-215), bowed tremolo (Read, p. 394) and double, triple, or flutter tonguing (Read, p. 348-349). The beam sub- element is allowed so that custom beaming may be indicated, i.e., a septuplet may be divided into a group of 3 plus a group of 4 notes.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, beam, bend, corr, damage, del, gliss, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, tuplet, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <tupletspan> EMPTY
    Alternative element for encoding tuplets, especially useful for those which extend across barlines.
  • Used by: model.controleventLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMN
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <turn> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet)*
    Turn (Read, p. 246-247). Events may be contained within turn in order to record precise performance data. Whether the turn is accented or unaccented may be inferred from the timestamp - accented turns occur directly on the affected beat, unaccented ones do not.
  • Used by: model.ornamentLike.cmn
  • Module: meiCMNOrnaments
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, layer, ligature, measure, orig, ossia, rdg, reg, restore, sic, staff, supplied, syllable, unclear.
    <unclear> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | annot | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb | pb | clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | dir | dynam | phrase | tempo | %model.controleventLike.neume; | %model.controleventLike.neume-mensural; | %model.controleventLike.neume-cmn; | %model.controleventLike.mensural; | %model.controleventLike.mensural-cmn; | arpeg | beamspan | breath | fermata | hairpin | octave | mordent | trill | turn | reh | slur | harppedal | pedal | tie | tupletspan | harm | lyrics | midi | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear | mrest | mrpt | mrpt2 | mspace | multirest | multirpt | accid | artic | dot | section | measure | staff | layer)*
    Unclear contains musical material which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source. Where the difficulty in transcription arises from an identifiable cause, the agent attribute signifies the causative agent. The cert attribute signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the transcription of the text contained within the <unclear> element. Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, the hand attribute signifies the hand responsible for the action. The reason attribute indicates why the material is difficult to transcribe. The resp attribute indicates the individual responsible for the transcription of the word, phrase, or passage contained with the <unclear> element.
  • Used by: model.transcriptionLike model.choicePart
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Possible parent elements: abbr, add, addressline, anchoredtext, annot, caption, choice, corpname, corr, damage, del, dir, dynam, ending, expan, fw, geogname, harm, head, identifier, ineume, inscription, item, l, label, layer, measure, name, nota, note, num, orig, ossia, p, periodname, persname, pgfoot1, pgfoot2, pghead1, pghead2, rdg, reg, rend, restore, score, section, sic, staff, stylename, subst, supplied, syl, syllable, td, tempo, th, title, unclear, uneume.
    <uneume> (clefchange | custos | pad | space | ineume | uneume | ligature | mensurchange | proportchange | %model.eventLike.neume-cmn; | nota | pausa | barline | keychange | beam | bend | beatrpt | btrem | chord | ftrem | gliss | halfmrpt | note | rest | tuplet | accid | artic | verse | app | choice | handshift | gap | subst | add | corr | damage | del | orig | reg | restore | sic | supplied | unclear)*
    A single, uninterrupted neume sign. While ineume is allowed here as part of the model.events class, it is unlikely that an uninterrupted neume containing an interrupted neume is a meaningful construct.
  • Used by: model.eventLike.neume
  • Module: meiNeumes
  • Possible parent elements: add, corr, damage, del, halfmrpt, ineume, layer, ligature, mordent, nota, note, orig, rdg, reg, restore, sic, supplied, syllable, trill, turn, unclear, uneume.
    <unpub> EMPTY
    The unpub element should be used to explicitly indicate that a bibliographic source is unpublished.
  • Used by: pubstmt
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: pubstmt
    <userestrict> (#PCDATA | extptr | extref | ptr | ref | address | bibl | abbr | expan | name | corpname | persname | repository | periodname | stylename | date | rend | stack | num | title | identifier | fig | lb)*
    Usage restrictions, e.g., copyright statement in the filedesc, or (re-)publication rights in the source element.
  • Used by: model.availabilityPart
  • Module: meiHeader
  • Parent element: availability
    <vel> EMPTY
    Note-on/off velocity. The num attribute must be in the range 1-127.
  • Used by: model.midieventLike
  • Module: meiMIDI
  • Parent element: midi
    <verse> ((dir | dynam | tempo | space)*, syl+, lb*)
    Lyric verse. The lb element is allowed here in order to facilitate karaoke applications. The func attribute on lb may be used to distinguish true line ends from line group ends for these applications.
  • Used by: model.noteModifierLike model.notaModifierLike model.neumeModifierLike
  • Module: meiLyrics
  • Possible parent elements: ineume, layer, ligature, lyrics, nota, note, rdg, syllable, uneume.
    <when> EMPTY
    The when element indicates a point in time either absolutely (using the absolute attribute), or relative to other elements in the same timeline element (using the interval and since attributes). The absolute attribute provides an absolute value for the time associated with this point. It is required for the element designated as the origin by the parent timeline. Unit specifies the unit of time in which the @interval value is expressed, if this is not inherited from the parent timeline. Interval specifies a positive numeric time interval. The since attribute identifies the reference point for determining the time of the current when element, which is obtained by adding the interval to the time of the reference point. It should point to another when element in the same timeline. If this attribute is omitted, and the absolute attribute is not specified, then the reference point is understood to be the preceding when element.
  • Used by: timeline
  • Module: meiLinkAlign
  • Parent element: timeline
    <zone> (figdesc*, graphic*)
    The zone element defines a rectangular area contained within a surface element.
  • Used by: surface
  • Module: meiEditTrans
  • Parent element: surface